Best Ways To Scraping Data With R: Scraping data refers to the process of extracting information from websites and other online sources. The data collected can be used for various purposes, such as market research, competitor analysis, and content creation. There are several ways to scrape data with R, depending on the type of data and the source of the data. Here are some common methods:
- Using the rvest package: The rvest package provides easy-to-use tools for web scraping. Here is an example code to scrape the titles and authors of the articles on the New York Times homepage:
url <- ""
page <- read_html(url)
titles <- page %>%
html_nodes(".css-1qiat4j") %>%
authors <- page %>%
html_nodes(".css-1n7hynb") %>%
data <- data.frame(title = titles, author = authors)
- Using the RSelenium package: The RSelenium package provides a way to automate web browsers using R. Here is an example code to scrape the titles and URLs of the articles on the New York Times homepage using RSelenium:
remDr <- remoteDriver(browserName = "chrome")
url <- ""
page <- read_html(remDr$getPageSource()[[1]])
titles <- page %>%
html_nodes(".css-1qiat4j") %>%
urls <- page %>%
html_nodes(".css-1qiat4j a") %>%
data <- data.frame(title = titles, url = urls)
- Using the httr package: The httr package provides functions to make HTTP requests and handle responses. Here is an example code to scrape the current Bitcoin price from the Coinbase API using the httr package:
url <- ""
response <- GET(url)
data <- content(response)$data
price <- data$amount
currency <- data$currency
print(paste("Bitcoin price:", price, currency))
Try challenging yourself with interesting use cases and uncovering challenges. Scraping the web with R can be really fun!
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